Sport and physical activity

The fitness center market has been one of the fastest growing in the last decade, driven by the appreciation of quality of life and healthier lifestyles. Today, in Brazil, it is estimated at more than US$ 2.1 billion by the International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association, and continues to grow with diversification and stratification into segments, such as luxury.

Luxury gyms with high-tech equipment and their own methods


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Sport and physical activity

Luxury gyms with high-tech equipment and their own methods


High growth potential

Luxury gyms with high-tech equipment and their own methods


The fitness market has high growth potential in Brazil, compared to other countries where it is more mature, and is going through a phase of consolidation, with intense transformations. 

Room to grow

It is estimated that less than 5% of the population uses gyms or sports centers. In the markets with the highest penetration of the service, the percentage is as high as 17%. Here, there are around 9.6 million registered users, compared to 9.9 million in the United Kingdom, 11 million in Germany and 62 million in the United States.

New niches

After a period of strong expansion of the user base, with the emergence of popular gyms in the last decade, the Brazilian market has entered a phase of diversification. Smaller, more segmented companies have emerged, with new types of gymnastics and more sophisticated services. 

Diversification potential

As the demand for gyms has grown in the country, so have the related markets, such as fitness fashion, weight-loss apps and dietary supplements.


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