Norte Media: Moriah Asset's new investment
Businessman Fabiano Zettel's investment vehicle is the new partner of the company that owns the Guday brand, a creatine in the form of gummies.
The health and wellness market has gained momentum in the wake of the pandemic and grew strongly, initially driven by healthy foods and dietary supplements. Recently, however, attention has turned strongly to psychological health. The assessment was made by businessman and investor Fabiano Zettel, founder and CEO of Moriah Asset, during one of the panels at the Sangion Summit 2024, held on May 29 at the B32 Theater in São Paulo. "It's the new wave out there, which will soon arrive here," he said.
According to Zettel, at events such as Expo West, one of the world's leading fairs for natural, organic and healthy products, held in the United States, you can see that the products being developed today, and the ones gaining the most ground, are supplements for mental health, focus, sleep quality and relaxation, for example. "People are investing in quality of life and, for this, food supplementation is indispensable. But dietary supplements alone don't make a summer," said the entrepreneur at the event.
This doesn't mean, however, that traditional health and wellness segments, such as food, are saturated. Even more so in little-explored markets such as Brazil, he says. "Since the pandemic, people are really looking for a more balanced diet. It's not just about vanity. Today, people want longevity, they want to live long and healthy lives. And we're seeing this reflected in the market," he said. "There's still room for new companies, new products and investment vehicles like Moriah. It's still an underserved market.
Zettel also spoke about the criteria he uses when analyzing the businesses in which he is going to invest, which include, in addition to evaluating the product and the financial return, also the connection with the potential partner. "A partner is a bug you'll carry around with you for the rest of your life. If they don't have sympathy, synergies, a philosophy of life, family values similar to mine, I won't go in," he said. "There have been cases at Moriah where the financial people insisted, showed that the business was very good, with excellent return potential, and I chose not to invest."
To those who want to become entrepreneurs, he gave the advice of betting on something you believe in, on a purpose. "When you work with what you like, with what you admire, you are fulfilled and have the potential to go much further. I say this as an investor. There's nothing more pleasurable than when you receive a company, a possible investee, and you see passion in the entrepreneur's eyes. The desire to make things happen, to change people's realities, to transform consumer habits and behavior," he said.
The Sangion Summit, created by Rodrigo Sangion, of the Les Cinq luxury gym chain, is an event aimed at executives and entrepreneurs. Zettel took part in the panel on trends and business opportunities in health andwellness, areas in which he invests through Moriah and has experienced for decades as a client. He was joined on the panel by Sangion himself, nutritionist Carlos Portela and nutritionist Alessandra Feltre.
Businessman Fabiano Zettel's investment vehicle is the new partner of the company that owns the Guday brand, a creatine in the form of gummies.