Push & Pow

Health and well-being


Health and well-being

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Push & Pow is Latin America's first brand of natural energy drinks based on matcha, a ground green tea concentrate that has been known for thousands of years for its positive effects on health. With a modern design and marketing, its main product, Pow, sold in cans, was created to meet the behavioral demands of the younger generation and women, left in the background by the traditional energy drink market.


  • Natural product
  • Innovative marketing
  • High market potential
  • Possibility of internationalization

Natural products

The energy drinks market is moving towards natural products, such as those sold by Push & Pow. The finding comes from a recent study by marketing intelligence agency Mintel, which has also observed, in recent years, the rise of energy drinks as one of the main alternatives to alcohol consumption among the younger generations. 

  • Natural appeal
  • Market trends
  • Healthy alternative to alcohol

Innovative marketing

Push & Pow has a design and brand strategy aimed at the younger generation. The product packaging is brightly colored and cheerful, and marketing actions are largely carried out via social networks, with influencers. In addition, the company is betting on creating communities around sports such as running, with engagement actions within large companies.

  • Modern design
  • Use of influencers and social networks
  • Creating communities
  • Engagement with face-to-face actions

High market potential

The figures vary according to the research company. But in general, all sources point to significant growth in both the matcha and energy drink markets over the next few years. In matcha, the jump should be from US$ 3.7 billion in 2024 to US$ 5.72 billion in 2029. In energy drinks, one of the main projections is that there will be an expansion from US$ 48.2 billion in 2023 to US$ 111.2 billion in 2033.

  • Billion-dollar market
  • Growing demand
  • Pioneering new niches 

Possibility of internationalization

The company started out selling only matcha powder, but with the creation of Pow, its canned version, it now has the prospect of scaling up quickly and contemplating the possibility of international expansion, especially in the Latin American market.

  • Scalable product
  • International appeal
  • Low regional competition

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